When you are starting a new sport or activity you know there are something you have to do before and during you do them... like stretching, do some warm out, and the most important breath.
Breathing is very important when doing anytime of workout, because a good breathing pattern ensures that your working muscles will continue to receive the oxygen. It is way the phiscial education teaches always tells you to breath, for you to keep going because even the best athletes forget these key element.
And I have come to realize that it is the same what happens in our life... Sometimes we are walking and walking and working and working so fast that we have to breath, a little moment of rest... because even Jesus took his times of being alone with The Father for breathing and recovering, he really didn't need it but did for us, to give us an example.After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. Later that night, he was there alone, matthwe 14:23
But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed. Luke 5:16
Our breath is prayer . When we are running these life and we are worn and tired the only thing we have to do is breath (pray) talk to the Father aboutI invite you to dare to do those breathings, alone with God... its where you find healing and refreshment and unique peace.
everything you're passing throw, your needs , always with thankfulness and open hearted, by faith He shall answer.
how many times are you breathing?